VMWARE: How to reset a VM via SSH

Working with VMWare it’s a continues challenge, with new surprises every day, but fortunately, so far, only with happy endings. Let’s see today’s story. I am working for a client that has a vCenter with 6 ESXi hosts. In order to access it, I have to start a VPN, then connect to a Windows terminal server via RDP and from this machine again via RDP to another Windows terminal server.

Generate and install SSH-keys on Linux and Windows

A SSH key is an access credential in the SSH Protocol. SSH keys offer a more secure way of logging into a server with SSH than using user and password. More over, using a SSH-Key gives you the possibility to automate the login process, meaning you could create a script that will login to another computer without user intervention. More info about SSH-Keys could be find here. Let’s see how

How to Setup Reverse SSH Tunnel on Raspberry Pi behind a 3G USB Stick Modem

There are cases when a remote computer could be hard to reach. This computer could be placed behind a firewall or a router (NAT) whose rules or settings cannot be changed. An easy and practical solution that could help us in this case is to set up a reverse SSH tunnel on Linux. Reverse SSH tunneling allows you to create a connection from the remote computer to a local computer