Importing OVA into VCSA 6.5 fails – The operation failed for an unknown reason

I’ve experienced a problem while importing an OVA into VCSA 6.5. The error that I’ve got is the one bellow. As you can see it says that the problem occurs due to certificates that the browser does not trust. If you are checking the certificate in the web browser, you will see a certificate warning. The solution found is actually quite simple. You have to download the VMCA root certificates

Add a SD Card in VMWorkstation

Why I need to do this?! Because I’ve made a backup of a RPi’s SD Card to a Linux VM and now I would like to restore the created image file back to the SD Card. For the moment I’m doing this only to see how should be made, my RPi still works very good, but is always good to be prepared in case something goes wrong. Before starting the

Backup your Raspberry Pi remotely

I think Raspbbery Pi is a great device and I love how easy and fun is to create IoT projects using it. I am using Raspberry Pi at my vacation house and also at my parents summer house. It is monitoring remotely the temperature, the voltage of batteries connected to the wind-turbine and solar-panels and controlling the alarm system and some relays that are starting and stopping different appliances. These

How to Reset the vCenter Server Appliance Administrator password

Use this procedure to reset the vCenter Server Appliance Administrator (administrator@vsphere.local) password. You will need the vCenter Server Appliance root user credentials. Step one – connect to vCenter Server Appliance Using putty or an OS with ssh support, connect through SSH to the vCenter Server Appliance console with the root user credentials Step two – Start service tool For vCenter 5.x, run the following command: /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin/vdcadmintool For vCenter 6.0 and

Generate and install SSH-keys on Linux and Windows

A SSH key is an access credential in the SSH Protocol. SSH keys offer a more secure way of logging into a server with SSH than using user and password. More over, using a SSH-Key gives you the possibility to automate the login process, meaning you could create a script that will login to another computer without user intervention. More info about SSH-Keys could be find here. Let’s see how

Windows Server 2012 not allowing Remote Desktop Connection

You have enabled RDP on the Windows Server 2012 machine and tried to reach it via RDP. Then you noticed that you can’t get through and receive the following message: You are sure that you’ve just enabled RDP, the computer is running and it’s also available on the network. So it should be something else. It seems that this problem comes from the way Windows Firewall did its own settings

Change password of Remote Windows Systems

When you are managing Windows systems that are not part of the domain, you have to connect directly to these machines and change the passwords for the users that have their password expired. So let’s suppose you are now connected to one of the Windows Servers and you would like to change the password. You just noticed that CTRL+ALT+DEL will bring up your own Windows Security dialog box and not

How to Setup Reverse SSH Tunnel on Raspberry Pi behind a 3G USB Stick Modem

There are cases when a remote computer could be hard to reach. This computer could be placed behind a firewall or a router (NAT) whose rules or settings cannot be changed. An easy and practical solution that could help us in this case is to set up a reverse SSH tunnel on Linux. Reverse SSH tunneling allows you to create a connection from the remote computer to a local computer